Annual Meeting Review | MTN 2021 Annual Commendation and Celebration Party

Date:2022-02-16 Categories:Company News Hits:436 From:ShenZhen MTN Electronicss Co.,Ltd.

Lay a solid foundation, step by step, go all out

MTN 2021 Annual Commendation and Celebration Gala

In order to celebrate the beginning of the new year, and to thank the MTN family for their hard work, on the evening of January 24, 2022, the 2021 Commendation and Celebration Party of MTN Electronics was successfully held.

Entry sign in

We are well-dressed to attend,

Just to say goodbye to the past and welcome the future.

Elite Admission

The MTN elite team was led by the general manager Huang. Over the years, MTN's steady operation and refined operation have won the trust, respect and praise of customers, partners and industry peers with their hard work.

opening speech

The host announces the start of the annual meeting

Director Zhou of the General Manager's Office delivered a speech

In 2021, the entire MTN group has achieved excellent performance, and the brand has a strong voice. In his speech, Director Zhou sincerely thanked every employee for their company in the past year, and firmly believes that as long as everyone works together and continues to work hard, 2022 will definitely achieve better results!

General Manager's Speech

General Manager Huang said that in 2021, there will be too many difficulties. Fortunately, we have always been together, growing and deepening every time we discover, solve and summarize problems. 2021 is over, and 2022 has come. In the Year of the Tiger, MTN will still retain the good style of the past, work hard to be a strong backing for everyone, and constantly explore new ideas, and is committed to becoming a network communication and A world-class R&D and manufacturer in the networking industry.

Awards session

Annual Fresh Air Orientation Award

10 Years Contribution Award

Annual Growth Star Award

Outstanding Cadre of the Year Award

Quarterly Outstanding Project Award

One can go very fast,

A group of people went further.

On the milestone of MTN Electronics,

With you, with me, with us.

wonderful show

The MTN family contracted the program of the annual meeting, and the multi-talented friends showed off their amazing skills. The programs were dazzling.

lucky draw

1st Prize: Tablet PC

Grand Prize: Laptop

The annual meeting not only brought laughter to everyone

At the same time, it also brings colleagues closer to each other's hearts

Applause, laughter and cheers have been rippling in the venue

Shows the joy and harmony of the big family.

Group photo


We will say goodbye to 2021, full of emotion,

We welcome 2022, hello new year!

let us

Keep the love, go to the mountains and seas,

With anticipation, keep walking!

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